Risk Management

Peace of Mind to Support You Through Any Disaster Situation

If a disaster were to threaten your insured property’s continuity, do you know where you stand?

Extreme weather, fire, floods, electrical disasters, hazardous materials damage, sewer overflow, storms, and other acts of nature often happen without warning, leaving you and your premises in a dire situation. The truth is, many commercial property owners do not fully understand the extent of their insurance coverage and how to claim. When losses ensue, business continuity is at risk, and surprises of that magnitude are never welcome.

What is Risk Management?

Risk management is a multi-faceted undertaking. To add to the complexities, it means many things to many people. For example, insurance companies see just about everything as a risk. They base their premiums on the level of risk assigned to a particular item, but companies who manage their risk well often have access to better rates.

Companies that have a comprehensive risk management and disaster recovery plan (DRP) in place will rebound faster from disasters and minimize downtime – a critical concern when every minute means money.

Benefits of a Disaster Recovery Plan with Risk Management

Disasters are not always as clear-cut as a tree falling on a building, a flood, or a fire. Being prepared for any possible disaster scenario ensures that your business continues on, no matter what.

Your company is a network of interconnected systems. Since many of them are dependent on other systems to operate, losing one link in the chain can result in a domino effect of shutdowns.

Disaster recovery with risk management looks at every possible angle and prepares for any circumstance, no matter how remote or absurd it might seem. Keep in mind; there are things happening in the world today that most of us could have never imagined just a few short years ago. Companies that were prepared to pivot their operations have been able to continue and are thriving. Others are on the verge of bankruptcy or have been forced into transformation, often to their financial and operational detriment.

How We Help?

ERGs risk management team is comprised of insurance professionals who specialize in commercial property and business risk management. We provide our clients with customized solutions that help them mitigate potential risks and keep insurance costs under control, ensuring the health and safety of employees, tenants, customers, and the business itself.

Our risk management services complement and enhance your existing programs, providing you with added protections to retrofit your current asset protection strategies.


  • Comprehensive Pre-Loss Planning and Audit
  • Review of Current Policies and DRP
  • Complete Documentation of Insurable Assets
  • Work With Your Team to Optimize the Insurance Claim Process
  • Full Support Through Any Crisis Situation
  • Claims Filing
  • Manage the Claims Process
  • Inventory Controls Implementation
  • Oversee Property Improvements to Reduce Risk

Key Benefits: Our Deliverables

  • We don’t replace your insurance team – we make it stronger.
  • DRP development, policy, and procedure.
  • Insurance advocacy and mediation.
  • Accurate, timely claims, faster recovery.

If you would like to learn more about our risk management programs, reach out to schedule a conversation today.

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